About Prakat Solutions
Founded in 2009, Prakat is a technology solutions company specializing in Accessibility Engineering, Product Engineering, Test Engineering and Application Modernization. We operate out of Fort Worth, Denver, New York and Bangalore. We serve customers across a wide range of domains including Telecom, Retail, Healthcare, Manufacturing, Legal and BFSI from our offices in Fort Worth, Denver, New York and our global delivery centre in Bangalore.
Prakat’s Accessibility Engineering teams validate software applications and products and participate in making them accessible and usable by persons with disabilities. Prakat facilitates enablement of applications and products to integrate with assistive technologies in compliance with the Accessibility standards and laws laid down by the W3C Accessibility group and country specific regulations such as the American Disabilities Act, British Standard 8878 and Canadian AODA.
Mitra Jyothi : An Introduction
Mitra Jyothi is a registered trust (under Indian Trust Act) located at Bangalore and has been working for people with disability in general and visually impaired in particular for the past 27 years. Founded by Ms. Madhu Singhal in 1990, Mitra Jyothi’s mission is to assist people with disabilities and enable them to lead independent and dignified lives through Education, Training, Counselling and Communication & Technology so as to integrate them into mainstream families and the society at large.
Mitra Jyothi has served thousands of disabled people in Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Maharashtra, West Bengal, Bihar, Orissa and other states.
Mitra Jyothi initially worked for the empowerment of visually impaired people but subsequently extended its reach to cover people with other disabilities as well. Over the years, it has conducted a variety of training courses and support programs to assist people with disability to become independent and instill in them the confidence to achieve their goals.