
16-05-2024 Onwards


12:00 noon IST,   08:00 AM EST,   08:00 AM GMT


Thursday, 16-05-2024


12:00 noon IST,   08:00 AM EST,   08:00 AM GMT

What One sees..
is My "Disability" !
Let Me Show You..
that I'm just

"Differently-Abled" !


Being differently-abled
may lead one to face
many challenges in life.
However, we have an
uncanny ability to see
the world most uniquely
and beautifully!

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What One see.. is My "Disability" !
Let Me Show You.. that I'm just

"Differently-Abled" !

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Being differently-abled may lead one
to face many challenages in life.
However, we have an uncanny ability
to see the world most uniquely
and beautifully!

Join us at the 13th Global Accessibility Day 2024 to learn about different perspectives and experiences on Inclusivity from leaders from multiple sectors and backgrounds.

The purpose of the event is to get people talking, thinking, and learn how to design inclusive solutions that ensure usability for all.

This year, listen to industry leaders, Educational Institutions, Non – Profits and other change-makers share their experiences and help you make a difference.

This event is free for anyone interested in taking a step towards being a part of a more inclusive world, such as designers, developers, policymakers, business owners, leaders, or anyone creating solutions for people to make life simpler.

What is GAAD?

GAAD is a worldwide movement that was started with an objective to create a platform to raise awareness about accessibility in general and digital accessibility in particular. Digital accessibility is the ability of a website, mobile application, or electronic document to be easily navigated and understood by a wide range of users, including users who have visual, auditory, motor, or cognitive disabilities.

GAAD Online is a joint initiative of EqualGenius Foundation and Prakat Solutions along with their Partners. The idea of a Global Accessibility Awareness Day started with a single blog post written by a Los Angeles-based web developer, Joe Devon. Jennison Asuncion, an accessibility professional from Toronto, discovered Joe’s blog post purely by accident, thanks to randomly coming across a tweet from Joe.

The movement in India was led by Prakat Solutions, a technology solutions company with a vision to make a difference in the world of Accessibility and Mitra Jyothi, a non-profit organization working towards empowering people with disabilities in general and visually impaired in particular. Based on the success of the GAAD India 2021, which was forced to go “virtual” because of worldwide lockdowns due to the pandemic, the primary organizers decided to join hands with EqualGenius Foundation and many other organizations around the world to create the GAAD Online platform.

1 Billion
People Worldwide Have Disabilities

Message from Jennison Asuncion and Joe Devon, Co-Founders of GAAD

“We are thrilled at the strong support and engagement of your community to this global event we started back in 2012. Congatulations on the creation of your website dedicated to this cause. We would like to wish the organizers, volunteers and entire community a wonderful Global Accessibility Awareness Day”
Our Partners
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